North Wraxall Pre-School Ofsted Rating 2019: Good
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They register and inspect nurseries, playgroups, and pre-schools, crèches, out of school care and childminders for children up to the age of eight. It will also investigate any complaints about a service and take enforcement action if it does not meet a set of national standards and other registration requirements. Learn more about Ofsted at www.ofsted.gov.uk.
We are Ofsted registered for 26 children aged 2-4years 11 months.
You can view our full Ofsted report here and read some of the extracts from our most recent report below:

Safe & Secure
"Safeguarding is effective... Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure. They form good relationships with the staff and friendships with the other children... learn about the importance of staying safe... talk about and contribute to the rules..."
"Children learn about healthy lifestyles, for example the importance of making healthy food choices, and they are eager to play outside in the fresh air."
"Staff engage with children as they use their imaginations to develop their storylines and the use of additional resources further."
"Children are happy, sociable and engaged in their play. They concentrate well during large-group activities and take turns in conversations. Children show that they enjoy favourite books and have plenty of opportunities to develop their early writing skills."