Free Entitlement
Eligible children over 3 years old will be entitled to 15 hours or 30 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year. Funding will be allocated as individual hours and minimum of 2.5 hours in any day must be used. The hour that includes lunch can now be included in the free entitlement. Lunch can be attached to a morning or afternoon block.
You do not need to apply for this funding as the pre-school will apply on your behalf when your child becomes eligible, all you will need to do is decide how and when you would like to use these hours and sign a form for us when asked to do so.
We can also cater for eligible 2 year-olds who are able to receive funding. Please contact us to find out more.
Click the links below to visit the relevant web pages:

How the Free Entitlement works
It is essential for the playgroup to claim funding from the local authority that we have the correct information and with this in mind here are some details of how this funding works. You may claim a minimum of 2.5 hours up to a maximum of 30 hours – this is the total claimable for each child and may be split between no more than two settings your child attends.
You are able to add hours during the course of a funded period and the pre-school will be able to claim these extra hours from the Local Authority. We require a minimum of half a terms notice in writing for any changes you wish to make.
Please ensure, if you are making a change to the hours that you claim for your child, that you have emailed the Supervisor and that adding or subtracting hours has been confirmed in order for child:staff ratios to be maintained correctly.
If you change your mind about these hours please ensure you notify the Supervisor as soon as possible, ideally within the first week of term. Please note that we require a minimum of half a term's notice in writing otherwise full payment of booked hours will be due.
If you are unsure of how to complete the funding form please feel free to ask the Supervisor. Your bill will reflect which hours are funded and the total to pay will be any hours over and above your free entitlement and Snack Charge. If you have any questions about your bill, please speak to our Supervisor or Treasurer.